Segmented Turnings
Something a little different
These are made by cutting sticks of different types of lumber into segments
and gluing them into circles. The circles are glued into bowl blanks.
The blanks are then turned. Yes, all the little pieces have to be
cut too! And it does take significant precision to ensure that the
glue joints are not visible. But it's also a great challenge!!
(click on any image
for a larger view)
3 small, thin bowls (~4 inch wide) using Malcolm Tibbett's
stabilized pen blank technique. The left bowl is .06" thick, the rear bowl is .05" thick and the front right bowl is .03" thin.

Checkerboard Hollow Vessel
Using Malcolm Tibbett's checkerboard technique
The vessel is 4" high and 4" wide at the widest spot.
The checkerboard is 3/8" squares of maple and walnut.

Segmented Music Box
4 rows of segmented rings
Plays Brahms Lullaby
~3 inches square

Two fun bowls; bloodwood and maple in the first bowl and purpleheart
and yellowheart in the second. Yes, the second bowl is just like
the one below... it's so popular people keep asking for it!
They are 6 1/2" across and made from 3 rings.
37 Pieces in the 6 1/2" bowl made from three rings
The woods are purpleheart and yellowheart

25 Pieces in this 3 ring bowl. The base is bleached maple with
the middle ring consisting of pink ivory and yellowheart topped
with a ring of bloodwood.

Diamond bottom bowl
10 1/2" x 4 1/4"
The main wood is cherry with the top feature ring being maple
and bloodwood.
The diamond is made from bloodwood, holly, brazilian cherry, walnut,
maple and purpleheart.
It has 102 pieces.

These are a pair of pillar candle pedestals. They each have 98
pieces and are near identical. They are made from mahogany and
maple and finished with tung oil finish. They were designed to
hold a 4 inch pillar candle. The top picture shows one of them
with a 3 7/8" tear drop candle.

Diamond bottom bowl
10 1/2" x 4 1/4"
Walnut, holly and cardinal wood
102 pieces

Yellow Heart and Pakauk
1 layer of 8/4 |

Walnut and Spalted Sycamore
3 layers |
 Walnut and Maple
3 layers |
 Walnut, Maple and Bloodwood
5 layers |

Walnut, Zebrawood and Bloodwood
2 layers

Squash Pot
5 layers
65 pieces

Small Navaho Bowl
10 layers
45 pieces

Large Navaho Vessel
20 layers
224 pieces